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Self-care isn't selfish.


Few, if any, employees would come to work for five days straight and fail to take care of their physical and personal hygiene. If they did, we are sure it would not be long before someone in the workplace would be keen to point out the benefits of soap and water!

However, many individuals persistently ignore their own mental/mind health, often leading to increased stress, anxiety and in many cases absences from work. If you don't look after your 'mind health' you will be less able to look after the things which are important to you at home, at work and beyond.


  • Course length can be tailored to your specific needs ranging from 1 to 4 hours

  • Help your employees to think critically about their own self-care

  • Seminars packed full of practical tips and ideas to improve well-being and mental health - "The 5 Ways to Wellbeing", "Food for Mood", "Five-a-day for Your Mind" and "The Self-Care Challenge"


Being consciously proactive about self-care is vital for EVERYONE!


Please contact us for more details...

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